Authored By: Zoya Bhargava
Edited By: Ananya Dutta
Music is an artform that is often underappreciated in regards to its impact on our mental health and productivity. Music is one of the most intimate ways of expressing yourself, and a creatively diverse way of communication. It is infinite, deep, and hits your heart just in the right places. Music cures awful days, and it creates a sense of comfort when all is silent. “Lovely music” can sound different to everyone, and I think that is what makes it so beautiful. Music nurtures our bonds with others.
Remember that time your friend shared her favorite playlist with you, didn’t it make you feel loved and appreciated? Or the time you had your windows down and sang at the top of your lungs on the car ride home, I’m sure that’s going to be a memory forever. Think about all the days it was raining and you had a hot cup of coffee with your ‘slow-song’ playlist. All the times you were disconnected from the rest of the world, music made you feel whole again. It makes you feel less lonely and isolated, which is something we have all definitely needed since Covid-19 hit.
Music speaks to you in ways that no one else probably ever has; every aspect of music, be it a piece of lyrics that pierce straight through your heart or a nostalgic melody that imprints your soul forever scarred, all of it sweeps over you as a breeze of summer wind, a spurge of emotions that you otherwise wouldn't even realize you'd be able to feel. Not only does it make the good days even better, music offers solace in the bad ones too. How often have you turned on your go-to breakdown song, plugged in your earphones and melted into tears imagining yourself as the main character of a coming of age movie? Not only does it unveil emotions blossoming within your heart but it also has several long-term psychological and mental benefits on top of it all.

(Earphones and a heartfelt playlist are all you need for a serotonin release, right?)
Music releases serotonin and dopamine to the brain. These are hormones that help you stay focused and create a feeling of safety and uplift your mood, ergo, commonly known as the "happiness hormones".
Music is also heart healthy, which means your blood flows more easily when you are listening to music. Studies show that individuals who listen to music more frequently tend to have better-functioning cardiac systems, meaning you live a longer life!
Music will increase your endurance, so next time you’re working out, blast your fastest songs to help improve your results and make you enjoy yourself more.
Music helps ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduces the release of stress hormones, and over all does wonders for your mental health.
Each of these are small ways that music holistically improves your health and well-being. Most importantly, music will make you feel truly alive and grounded.
So take this as your sign to create a heartfelt playlist. Let it take you through a range of extreme emotions, and leave you with that feeling of presence, empowerment, and gratitude for all the beautiful things you get to experience.